Saturday, October 11, 2008

What is Catholicism ?

Catholicism is a denomination of Christianity. It is the oldest Church (along-side with Orthodoxy). Catholicism includes 22 rites, the most notable the Latin Rite (or more commonly Roman Rite, often called the Roman Catholic Church).

The entire Catholic Church is under the authority of the Bishop of Rome or the Pope. The hierarchy of the Church consists of ordained Deacons, Priests, Bishops and Patriarchs, and the Pope.

Catholicism is a Christian denomination that believes in the Doctrine of the Trinity, or Blessed Trinity.

Catholicism has seven sacraments (though the same sacraments the names differ from each rite due to language differences); they are: Baptism, the Holy Eucharist (also known as the Lord's Supper, Last Supper, or Holy Communion - Catholics also believe in the real presence), Reconciliation (otherwise known as Confession), Confirmation, Marriage (no gay/lesbian marriage), Holy Orders (being ordained - not for lay Catholics), and Anointing of the Sick (also known as Last Rites or Extreme Unction).

Catholics, to the contrary of public opinion, do not worship the Virgin Mary or any of the Saints.

The Church's law is the Code of Canon Law (for the Latin Rite).

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