Monday, October 20, 2008


What does it mean to meditate ? Meditate is described as follows:

to sit or lie down and come to a deep rest while still remaining conscious.

Why am i writing now about meditating - well im posting this as i have found that there is a wonderful way for us christians to meditate and it involves something that we look towards daily and which is a symbol of Christianity - it is THE CROSS/CRUCIFIX.

When you feel like some quiet time to unwind or just to reflect on things quietly on your own - one thing i can suggest and recommend is that you take your cross/crucifix, whichever one you may have then get comfortable, relax and clear your mind and just look at the cross/crucifix - once relaxed and you looking at your cross/crucifix start to think on what it means to you personally, just be still and savour the moment - you will be surprised how deep in thought you can end up and what flows through ones mind.

This moment of reflecting/meditating on the cross/crucifix becomes a moment between you and God and it is guaranteed to bring you to a peaceful place.

I hope you will give this a try and may that moment of reflection be a truly awesome moment for you.

1 Chronicles 28:9 - If you seek Him, you will find Him.

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