Saturday, December 19, 2009

2008 Dove Awards Point of Grace Cindy Morgan's -How You Live

Monday, December 14, 2009

Gods Gift

Sent via my BlackBerry Storm - let your email find you!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Holy Alphabet...(Email Received)


A - Although things are not perfect
B - Because of trial or pain
C - Continue in thanksgiving
D - Do not begin to blame
E - Even when the times are hard
F - Fierce winds are bound to blow
G - God is forever able
H - Hold on to what you know
I - Imagine life without His love
J - Joy would cease to be
K - Keep thanking Him for all the things
L - Love imparts to thee
M - Move out of "Camp Complaining"
N - No weapon that is known
O - On earth can yield the power
P - Praise can do alone
Q - Quit looking at the future
R - Redeem the time at hand
S - Start every day with worship
T - To "thank" is a command
U - Until we see Him coming
V - Victorious in the sky
W - We'll run the race with gratitude
X - Xalting God most high
Y - Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but
Z - Zion waits in glory where none are ever sad!

~author unknown~

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Life....(Thanks Meldy)

When I woke up this morning in bed I askd myslf:
Whats life about?
I found the answers in my very room:
The fan said b cool.
The roof said aim high.
The window said c the world.
The clock said every minute is precious.
The mirror said reflect b4 u act.
The calendr said b up 2 date.
The door said push hard 4 ur goals.
The carpet said kneel down&pray...
Sent via my BlackBerry - let your email find you!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Some Devotional Meditations

“If there is any good in you, believe that there is much more in others, so that you will stay humble in yourself.”


“The more you are at harmony with yourself and become inwardly simple, the more you will understand higher things without any effort, for you will receive intellectual light from above.”

“Whenever we desire anything excessively, we become restless within ourselves.”

“Love Jesus and keep Him for your friend, for when all others go away He will not forsake you or to allow you to perish in the end.”

“If Christ was willing to suffer and be despised, how do you dare to complain about anyone?”

“The poorest person is the one who lives without Jesus, and the richest person is the one who is in favour with Jesus.”

“Fear God and you will not be frightened by people.”

Just some devotions by Thomas a Kempis written about (1420-1427)


“He who follows Me, walks not in darkness.” Says the Lord.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Matthew 18:20 (Email received)

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20

Does this count?


if it made you smile, your friends will smile too.

Monday, September 28, 2009

How can we adapt ?


Well its been awhile since I have sat down to write something and since my move down to Cape Town things have been a little crazy for me – crazy in the sense that everything has felt all upside down for me, if that makes any sense.

Why did i feel upside down ? well its quite simple really and my reasons are as follows:

I moved to Cape Town as i was unemployed and it was where i got employment , My routine changed, I had to adapt to new surroundings, Weather is different, Scenery is different, peoples culture is different, roads are different, everything of what i been used to is just different and i moved 1400km away from everything i was used to.

Cape Town is a world famous holiday destination even for South Africans and everybody worldwide knows table mountain for which it is most famous and i have found that as soon as you end up in a place that is regarded as a great holiday destination people usually say “wow that is so cool – you live in Cape Town”

Well, yes i do live in Cape Town but you know what ? Be it me or you it might be cool but we still have the same life issues daily and just because one might stay in a great place does not mean one always feels great.

Life will always have the same challenges no matter where you live.

I believe that when we are faced with any major changes in life we are unable to face it on our own and in Ephesians we learn about the “ARMOUR OF GOD” – some will say yes but the armour of God is to protect us against evil – yes but God wants us o feel comfortable and an uneasy feeling means we do not have God close enough as God always wants the best for all of us and he has given us what we need to get through all situations that make us uneasy and  Ephesians 6:10-18 says:

10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

God tells us what to do – feeling uneasy is not what he wants so all that is needed is the ARMOUR OF GOD – THE ARMOUR is what gets us through all situations and most importantly to know that JESUS is always by our side and no matter where we go or end up - we always have a helping hand close by – His name is JESUS

Just reach out and take the armour and may God Bless and Protect you always.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

Beauty of God

CPT Cape Town with Table Mountain from Bloubergstrand b

Recently I have moved down to Cape Town and what has really struck me is that in Cape Town you have some amazing scenic drives and when you drive in this area as a tourist or just someone who lives here you cant help but be amazed by the sights.  What i getting at here is that the beauty is so awesome that I cant believe that there are people who think this life of ours just happened all from a big bang.

There can only be a God and some major higher power that has put this all together - I do not believe otherwise.

So for everyone no matter where you are take time to look around you and you will be amazed to see what God has created and usually we miss the most awesome things right in front of us.

I have also found that when one feels God is perhaps not around then all you need do is look and you will see God and nature is one awesome place to experience God.

May you all look at surroundings in a different light as before and you will see God is always present in everything all the time.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

In a Minute (Email received)


Smith climbs to the top of Mt. Sinai to get close enough to talk to God.

Looking up, he asks the Lord, “God,

what does a million years mean to you?”

The Lord replies, “A minute.”

Smith asks, “And what does a million dollars mean to you?”

The Lord replies, “A penny.”

Smith asks, “Can I have a penny?”

The Lord replies, “In a minute.”

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

To My Blog followers

To everyone following my blog i just want to apologise as my circumstances at the moment are not allowing me to be online as often as i would like to be which has resulted in me not being able to post articles frequently.

Please keep watching this space -  i promise you the tempo will pick up soon again.

Thanks and to all have a great day


"The Lord's will be done"

Today has marked an end and i found closure of something thats been bugging me for the last 7 months - unfortunately fairness is not always something people care about and when i realised how people have no care in what happens to others by means of being unfair i got home and was looking at the photo thats above "an old photo of me and my daughter" the words - " the Lord's will be done" came to me and i knew my last 7 months of worry was over and i quote this - "John Calvin as he lay dying said: 'You are slaying me, Lord, yet it is enough for me to know that it is your hand that is slaying me.' Here is the way to pray, passively, 'Your will be done.' For even through sickness and in death we can bring honour to his name.
If we begin to pray it with understanding, we will find this great state room of the Lord's Prayer distinctly challenging and uncomfortable. It has within it a great reforming principle which, if really worked out rather than just repeated, will change our thinking, speaking and way of living. It will begin to make us Christ-like, holy.
'Heavenly Father may we not only hear the beautiful words of this prayer, but follow them, obey them, shape our living and our dying around them.'
I accept that His will be done in everything so therefore 7 months of worry was taken away and who knows what comes next when you accept and declare God's will be done - may you be blessed in all that lies ahead.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Shack

If you looking for a cool christian book to read then get this one called "the shack" written by William P Young - great fiction to experience the trinity in a really different unusual way

Monday, June 22, 2009

Our Anchor


Please note that i have received permission personally from Mike Waters to publish his Cartoons on my Blog – God Bless and Thank you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Cross We Carry


We complain about the cross we bear but don't realize
it is preparing us for the dip in the road that God can see and we can't.

Whatever your cross, whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine, after the rain....

Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall;
But God's always ready, to answer your call....

He knows every heartache, sees every tear,
a word from His lips, can calm every fear...

Your sorrows may linger, throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish, dawn's early light...

The Saviour is waiting, somewhere above,
to give you His grace, and send you His love...

God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A New Day


It is a new day and come what may – i will live and always praise God – it is what is expected from us as He will always provide come what may and He will guide you and be the rock for you as He is the Living water you need to sustain yourself with and never forget that you and I must never place anyone or anything in front of our Lord to replace Him – I will serve God in all hard times as well as good times because i live by faith and hope and to live in faith and hope means that when times are hard we must keep the joy in our lives in great expectation that God is at work and that something EXCEPTIONAL is on the way – Oh yes it is a new day and to the Lord i say – MIGHTY ARE YOU FOREVER AND I SHALL OBEY…….AMEN

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Heaven or Hell


This is plain and simple – Do you believe in Heaven or Hell ?

When you die do you believe that you just go to the ground get buried and that’s it or maybe you believe in reincarnation ?

The Bible teaches us the basics quite simple = You have a choice and your choice is Heaven or Hell and if you do not accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour and you do not believe in the Bible there are no in betweens so you will go to hell – so your choice is easy – Heaven or Hell ?????

Its plain and simple so now you make your choice – remember there is no in between option.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lucky (an email i received)

This is a lovely story, try to make the time to read this one.....
Lucky Dog....


Anyone who has pets will really like this. You'll like it even if you don't and you may even decide you need one!

Mary and her husband Jim had a dog named 'Lucky.'

Lucky was a real character. Whenever Mary and Jim had company come for a weekend visit they would warn their friends to not leave their luggage open because Lucky would help himself to whatever struck his fancy. Inevitably, someone would forget and something would come up missing.
Mary or Jim would go to Lucky's toy box in the basement and there the treasure would be, amid all of Lucky's other favorite toys Lucky always stashed his finds in his toy box and he was very particular that his toys stay in the box.

It happened that Mary found out she had breast cancer. Something told her she was going to die of this fact; she was just sure it was fatal.

She scheduled the double mastectomy, fear riding her shoulders.  The night before she was to go to the hospital she cuddled with Lucky. A thought struck her...what would happen to Lucky? Although the three-year-old dog liked Jim, he was Mary's dog through and through. If I die, Lucky will be abandoned, Mary thought. He won't understand that I didn't want to leave him!  The thought made her sadder than thinking of her own death.

The double mastectomy was harder on Mary than her doctors had anticipated and Mary was hospitalized for over two weeks. Jim took Lucky for his evening walk faithfully, but the little dog just drooped, whining and miserable.

Finally the day came for Mary to leave the hospital. When she arrived home, Mary was so exhausted she couldn't even make it up the steps to her bedroom.  Jim made his wife comfortable on the couch and left her to nap.

Lucky stood watching Mary but he didn't come to her when she called.  It made Mary sad but sleep soon overcame her and she dozed.

When Mary woke for a second she couldn't understand what was wrong.  She couldn't move her head and her body f felt heavy and hot. But panic soon gave way to laughter when Mary realized the problem. She was covered, literally blanketed, with every treasure Lucky owned!  While she had slept, the sorrowing dog had made trip after trip to the basement bringing his beloved mistress all his favorite things in life.
He had covered her with his love. 

Mary forgot about dying..  Instead she and Lucky began living again, walking further and further together every day. It's been 12 years now and Mary is still cancer-free.. Lucky He still steals treasures and stashes them in his toy box but Mary remains his greatest treasure. every day to the fullest. Each minute is a blessing from God. And never forget....the people who make a difference in our lives are not the ones with the most Credentials, the most money, or the most awards.  They are the ones that care for us.

If you see someone without a smile today give them one of yours! Live simply. Love seriously.. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Shine The Light


Tattoo and the Bible

If this topic interests you then click on the link and read for yourself – you can judge for yourself


Good VS Evil

This is just some pictures i found online depicting Good vs Evil – its just interesting that the good vs evil topic seems and i guess will always be a life long epic battle.

I just posting these as i found the pics to portray the topic in an amazing artistic way – anyway hope you enjoy the pics (some may like them others may not)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Michael W. Smith - Help Is On The Way (Featuring Israel Houghton) (Live)

The words say it all - A great song

A Christian


Several years ago, a preacher from out-of-state accepted a call to a church in  Houston ,  Texas.  Some weeks after he arrived, he had an occasion to ride the bus from his home to the downtown area.

When he sat down, he discovered that the driver had accidentally given him a quarter too much change. As he considered what to do, he thought to himself, 'You'd better give the quarter back. It would be wrong to keep it.' Then he thought, 'Oh, forget it, it's only a quarter. Who would worry about this little amount? Anyway, the bus company gets too much fare; they will never miss it. Accept it as a 'gift from God' and keep quiet.'

When his stop came, he paused momentarily at the door, and then he handed the quarter to the driver and said, 'Here, you gave me too much change '

The driver, with a smile, replied, 'Aren't you the new preacher in town?'
'Yes' he replied.

'Well, I have been thinking a lot lately about going somewhere to worship. I just wanted to see what you would do if I gave you too much change. I'll see you at church on Sunday.'
When the preacher stepped off of the bus, he literally grabbed the nearest light pole, held on, and said, 'Oh God, I almost sold your Son for a quarter.'

Our lives are the only Bible some people will ever read. This is a  really scary example of how much people watch us as Christians, and will put us to the test! Always be on guard -- and remember -- You carry the name of Christ on your shoulders when you call yourself

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

The Will of God will never take you to where the Grace of God will not PROTECT you...

Our Lord says to be careful only about one thing-our relationship to Him.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Abortion - yes or no ???


Seems like the topic "abortion" stirs quite a bit with people so I would like to hear from you what are your comments on the issue of abortion ?

Please add a comment - I would like to publish all comments received as my next blog post - feel free to stay anonymous or to leave your name - Thanks

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Do Not Worry


Matthew 6:25-27

'Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

1 Timothy 6:17-19

Yesterday (friday 17th) i wrote on the topic of generosity and love and this morning (Saturday 18th) part of my bible reading contained 1 Timothy 6:17-19 which i felt fits in quite well with what i wrote yesterday:

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life".

Friday, April 17, 2009

Generosity and Love


I have decided to write this post on generosity and love as I do believe that love needs to be present within our lives for someone to be able to be generous towards someone else.

What does it take for someone to be generous ?

I have asked myself this question after seeing how strangers are willing to help other strangers - I decided to do some research in my Study Bible (NIV) on the topic and this is what I have found:

What is generosity ?

Generosity is basically sharing with the needy - this sharing could be anything from offering someone a lift who perhaps has no transport of there own, it could be supplying food or shelter, it could be just assisting where some form of help is needed - there are so many ways a person can show generosity its almost endless and I am sure one could write an entire book on the subject and there are probably many available to read. I however will just highlight what stood out for me.

As I started doing some reference checks in the Bible the first verse that stood out for me was Hebrews 13:16 which says "Don't forget to do good and to share what you have with those in need, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to God." - note that in this verse it does not just say it pleases God - it says "very pleasing" and therefore I believe it is something that God really enjoys seeing - Its awesome to see that it pleases God tremendously when we help people in need.

The Bible also however does not say that you must always help someone in need as many of us are not always able to be generous and we can determine this in Deuteronomy 16:7  which states "All must give as they are able, according to the blessings given to them by the LORD your God." - This verse shows us that sometimes we are perhaps blessed more in certain areas than others and this will result in us being able to be generous in a way that we perhaps have been blessed more than someone else - generosity occurs when we ourselves share things with the needy when we are able to based on our blessings.

So now you probably asking yourself the question - ok, I understand and can see what it means to be generous based on biblical principles but how does Love fit into this ?

Well love fits into this very easily for it is impossible for anyone to be generous towards another if there is no love within ones heart - GOD IS LOVE and when the holy spirit fills your heart with Love people do some pretty amazing stuff. Romans 5:5 says "God has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with love."

Love is proof that GOD exists because GOD IS LOVE and if GOD is LOVE then it is only GOD that can place a desire on your heart to be generous towards someone else when you are able to.

Its been an awesome few days for me to see the generosity of others towards a stranger and I dedicate this article to family, friends and to Lyttelton Methodist Church (Samaritan project) who have been generous and who have helped and those who were willing to help someone else that is in a time of need.

Thank you for your generosity and willingness to help - it is appreciated and most importantly IT PLEASES GOD.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dancing With God (Author unknown)

When I meditated on the word Guidance,
I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word.

I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing.

When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.

The movement doesn't flow with the music,

and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.

When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead,

both bodies begin to flow with the music.

One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back

or by pressing Lightly in one direction or another.

It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully.

The dance takes surrender, willingness,

and attentiveness from one person

and gentle guidance and skill from the other.

My eyes drew back to the word
Guidance .
When I saw "G": I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i".

"God, "u" and "i" dance."

God, you, and I dance.

As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust

that I would get
guidance about my life.
Once again, I became willing to let God lead.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Jesus is Risen


Matthew 28:2-7

There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. The angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.' Now I have told you.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Word of God is Living


Hebrews 4:12-13 NIV

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Romans 8:35-39


Fireproof - the movie

I have posted on the movie fireproof before but i had not seen the movie yet. I have seen the movie recently as i bought the dvd and i found it to be quite an awesome movie. So if you in a serious relationship or married i can recommend this number 1 inspirational movie to you - it will truly make a difference.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Do not quit

The picture says it all


How do we maintain hope in situations that seem hopeless ?

Psalm 18:4-6 "The ropes of death surrounded me; the floods of destruction swept over me. The grave wrapped its ropes around me; death itself stared me in the face. But in my distress I cried out to the Lord; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry reached his ears."

Hope is trusting in God to act in His timing - NOT OURS

Jeremiah 28:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. They are plans for Good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

I pray that if you find yourself in a situation that seems hopeless to you at this stage - remember never to loose or give up on your faith and REMEMBER there is always HOPE no matter what the circumstances are.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Blog is Mobile

WOW - my blog is now also mobile for all followers to view via there cell phones.

If you want to stay updated when you not near a  pc or laptop then just type this url into your phone browser:

NB -  remember to bookmark it on your phone.

Clay Balls (email received)


A man was exploring caves by the seashore.

In one of the caves he found a canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls.

It was like someone had rolled clay balls and left them out in the sun to bake. They didn't look like much, but they intrigued the man, so he took the bag out of the cave with him.

As he strolled along the beach, He would throw the clay balls one at a time out into the ocean a s far as he could.

He thought little about it, until he dropped one of the clay balls and it cracked open on a rock.

Inside was a beautiful, precious stone!

Excited, the man started breaking open the remaining clay balls.

Each contained a similar treasure.

He found thousands of dollars worth of jewel in the 20 or so clay balls he had left.

Then it struck him. He had been on the beach a long time.

He had thrown maybe 50 or 60 of the clay balls with their hidden treasure into the ocean waves.

Instead of thousands of dollars in treasure, he could have taken home tens of thousands, But he had just thrown it away!

It's like that with people. We look at someone, maybe even ourselves, And we see the external clay vessel.

It doesn't look like much from the outside.

It isn't always beautiful or sparkling, so we discount it.

We see that person as less important than someone more beautiful or stylish or well known or wealthy

But we have not taken the time to find the treasure hidden inside that person.

There is a treasure in each and every one of us.

If we take the time to get to know that person, and if we ask God to show us that person the way He sees them, then the clay begins to peel away and the brilliant gem begins to shine forth.

May we not come to the end of our lives and find out that we have thrown away a fortune in friendships.

Because the gems were hidden in bits of clay.

May we see the people in our world as God sees them.

I am so blessed by the gems of friendship I have with you.

Thank you for looking beyond my clay vessel.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Christian Cartoons

If you looking for really cool "Christian cartoons" then you must pop around to:

Below is a sample cartoon - I have obtained permission from the cartoonist - Michael Waters to use it. 


If you want to see more then pop around to the web site where you can also subscribe to receive new cartoons via email.

Thank you to Michael (The cartoonist) for allowing me permission to use your cartoons on my blog and thanks to Meldy for the email you sent which lead me to see the cartoons.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Do not merely listen to the word


Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it--he will be blessed in what he does. James 1:22-25

Friday, March 27, 2009

Do you have GIANTS

All of us go through bad times and all of us have some GIANT that comes around every so often that disrupts our lives. Get this book from Max Lucado and he will show you together with God using the story of David how to make your giants stumble.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do you have forgiveness ?

In the last few weeks i been doing more reading than usual and today i was thinking on the difficult times we all go through. I was triggered by an email i received where i told a new friend that i only became a christian in 2003. Why this prompted me to write this is that there are many people who have been born in christian homes and who are living christian principles. Does that make a person a christian who is accepted into eternity ? No it is not and if you live according to what the bible says you may think you a big christian but it means nothing until the day you go before God and ask for forgiveness and that he may wipe away your sins. It is only once you do confess all your sins besides believing in Jesus that you become born again which is the requirement for heaven and eternity. We cant think we are true christians even though we live according to the principles until we confess with an open heart to God for total forgiveness for all our wrong doing. So to anyone who is merely living a christian lifestyle remember it means nothing unless you are born again.

Thought of the Day from Meldy - a friend

This thought of the Day was an sms i recieved from a friend - thanks Meldy for this sms and here it is: The Lord said: If u never felt pain, or experienced sickness, how would u know I'm a Healer?If u never made a mistake, how would u know I'm forgiving? If I gave u all things would u appreciate them? If u were never broken, how would u know I can make u whole? If yr life was perfect why would u need ME?.. May these words b encouraging 2 u, & May u b specially BLESSED

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Cross

Just a picture of the crosses outside the Hatfield Christian Church in Pretoria

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Making Good Friends That Last


1 Samuel 16:7

"Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

Now this verse has been on my mind the whole day and I been thinking on this and what I have discovered and seen is that most people can relate to the statement I going to make right now which is:

"Most times people only associate with people that give a good outward appearance" - people tend to think that if everything looks good on the outside and a person portrays a good appearance then we tend to think the person must be ok - he/she may be beautiful/handsome and who may always dress well etc, etc.  Guess what ? God has shown and told us He does not look at the outward appearance.  Outward appearance means nothing.

So how does it affect us ?

An outward appearance no matter how good,smart or beautiful or handsome a person comes across - means NOTHING if the person has no good heart.  Now you asking yourself ok so then what is a good heart ?  Now we have 2 questions - (a) what is a good heart ? and (b) how does it affect us ? well here is my attempt to answer both questions:

Firstly I believe that a good heart can only be developed in knowing Jesus personally and to also know what He has done for us because once we know Jesus and learn to live according to Christian principles we slowly get to know what true love means and because God is love as we grow in that love we also start feeling the holy spirit fill our hearts and then our hearts become filled more and more with the fruits of the spirit which is as follows:

Love is the focus of the entire ethical appeal: "serve one another in love" , love is the expression of faith, Love is demonstrated in a tangible way in the sacrificial love of Christ and the service of Christians. All the other moral qualities in life flow from love.

Joy is the result of healthy relationships. When relationships fall apart because of broken commitments, there is a loss of joy. 


Patience is the opposite of "fits of rage" or short temper.

Kindness and goodness are joined with patience.

Faithfulness is the quality of keeping commitments in relationships.

Only the Spirit can produce the quality of loyalty no matter the cost.

Gentleness is the opposite of "selfish ambition." Gentleness is an expression of humility, considering the needs and hurts of others before one's personal goals.

Self-control is the opposite of self-indulgence.  people with self control do not use other people to gratify their own appetites. They have the strength to say no to themselves, to the desires of their possible sinful nature.

Galatians 5:22-26"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other".

The more we strive for the fruits of the spirit the more we develop a good heart that is pleasing to God and to others.

Secondly it affects us as it will also determine who is deemed as a good person and when we start looking at people in the same way as what God does it opens new doors and new friendships that are beyond what we can imagine.

When you start making friendships which are not based on outward appearances you will be amazed at the strong bonds that form and who knows if you looking for True Love - You might just even find it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Jesus is ALIVE



I had to post this email I received and must say it is quite awesome and this is very interesting! 

Why should the wedding ring be worn on the fourth finger? 
There is a beautiful and convincing explanation given by the Chinese..... 
Thumb represents your Parents 
Second (Index) finger represents your Siblings 
Middle finger represents your-Self 
Fourth (Ring) finger represents your Life Partner 
& the Last (Little) finger represents your children 
Firstly, open your palms (face to face), bend the middle fingers and hold them together - back to back
Secondly, open and hold the remaining three fingers and the thumb - tip to tip
(As shown in the figure below): 

Now, try to separate your thumbs (representing the parents)..., they will open, because your parents are not destined to live with you lifelong, and have to leave you sooner or later 
Please join your thumbs as before and separate your Index fingers (representing siblings)...., they will also open, because your brothers and sisters will have their own families and will have to lead their own separate lives. 
Now join the Index fingers and separate your Little fingers (representing your children)...., they will open too, because the children also will get married and settle down on their own some day. Finally, join your Little fingers, and try to separate your Ring fingers (representing your spouse). 
You will be surprised to see that you just CANNOT....., because Husband & Wife have to remain together all their lives - through thick and thin!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Life Storms


Now this is something I been doing a lot of thinking off mainly because I have had my fair share of what we call "LIFE STORMS" and each one of us has experienced many different storms - it could be a loss of someone close to us, divorce, unemployment, debt, loss of home, depression, anxiety, weariness, worry, guilt and there are many more that one could mention but what I am curious about is how do we deal with our storms in life ? 

We have heard the phrase " after every storm there is a rainbow" which I can agree with and I am sure there are many readers who do agree and some will disagree.

What I been curious about is how people deal with there "LIFE STORMS" - what do they do, how do they react and what happens when the storm has no rainbow ?

This is not an easy topic at all but with a bit of research this is what I have found that seems to come out with most people who have or are experiencing a storm:

Many people tend to try and resolve there problem or burdens by themselves - we like to be in charge as it is in our human nature  - some try to get closer to God in bad times and that features with most people in times of trouble or need but when asked was God called upon during the good times most reason such words as "well things were going good and it was something I just forgot about" - so if we only reach out in bad times will that storm then end ?

I not sure as God does not just want our attention in a time of need - He wants us to believe and call upon Him at all times.  We cant just go to God in bad times. (I must add that some people who do not know God, I do believe they can get a storm in life for the purpose of the grace of God as it enables Him to draw that person to Him which otherwise might never had happened).

Does God plot storms for us ? I not sure but in certain cases I could say yes as sometimes we need a lesson in order to get to God and to form a relationship with Him but not all the time.

A friend said to me once "its weird but I did not have so much problems in my life until I became a Christian" - have you heard that before ? many have and many have wondered why.

Many Christians have stated they know someone who does not believe and yet it seems as if they go through life without any problems. So why do we get such storms in our life ? how do we handle it ? how do we go forward ? how do we accept the circumstances ?

The Bible never says that life will be easy - that we must accept and we must also realise that this is all just temporary - we will loose our earthly life and we will have a time for everlasting joy and we will all rejoice in the everlasting life that awaits us in Heaven.

Most importantly we cant go through trials trying to fix it on our own - we have to at times admit we need help and we do have a shepherd who is there for us at all times - His name is Jesus and he will never forsake you.

MAX LUCADO has a great book titled "TRAVELLING LIGHT" and he refers to our burdens as "THE LUGGAGE OF LIFE"


Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd;

I shall not want

He makes me lie down in green pastures

He leads me beside still waters

He restores my soul

He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

I will fear no evil

For You are with me

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me

You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies

You anoint my head with oil

My cup runs over

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

All the days of my life

And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord


This psalm will help you to release the burdens of life

I have another 3 key words that I believe one has to remember as well and they are:


They are all key factors but I do think the one we need to work hard at is PATIENCE and to realise God will sort things in His time and when the timing is right for us. PATIENCE is not always easy.


Hebrews 13:6 - The Lord is my helper, so I will not be afraid.

For everyone out there experiencing a storm my wish is that you keep your FAITH, have PATIENCE and never loose HOPE and may God show you your rainbow after the storm and remember to


My prayer for you

Dear God almighty, creator of heaven and earth I know that You are there at all times and I pray that you will provide those in need including myself with the help and the patience to endure the hard times we might be going through at present - I pray dear Lord Jesus that you will uphold me and my friends and everyone out there in there time of need.   We place our burdens in front of you Lord as we know we cant solve it on our own - Only You Lord can help us and You know what our needs are at this time and I pray that you will guide us continuously as we reach out to You our God for help - Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven - this I pray in Jesus name AMEN.

Thursday, February 26, 2009



Many Christians have seen the word "EXEGESIS" and often do not know what it actually means.

If you been wondering - well here is the meaning:

Biblical exegesis is a critical explanation or interpretation of the Bible. The goal of Biblical exegesis is to find the meaning of the text which then leads to discovering its significance or relevance.

GOD Said NO (an email i received)



I asked God to take away my habit.

God said, No.

It is not for me to take away,
but for you to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.

God said, No.

His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience.

God said, No.

Patience is a byproduct of tribulations;
it isn't granted, it is learned.

I asked God to give me happiness.

God said, No.

I give you blessings;
Happiness is up to you.

I asked God to spare me pain.

God said, No.

Suffering draws you apart from
worldly cares and brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow.

God said, No.

You must grow on your own,
but I will prune you to make you fruitful.

I asked God for all things
that I might enjoy life.

God said, No.

I will give you life,
so that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me.
God said...Ahhhh,

finally you have the idea.